Freya is 15 and on top of the world

Hi allSo Freya turned 15 this month. And six of those with three legs. So she is an expert.

Freya on her cat tree

She is definitely on top of the world, or at least on top of her cat tree.

I thought I would share the latest arrangement of her cat tree and supporting tree furniture.

She still likes to get high – she is a cat. So to assist her as a rear leg amputee, I have a series of small fabric topped boxes and platforms for her. She needs to feel fabric under her claws to give her confidence.

Whenever we move, as we did three months ago, there is a period of intense negotiation with the cat tree set up. I will arrange a configuration and she will either approve or let me know I need to do better. A front paw will test the distance and fabric and if suitable she will hop up. If not suitable she will bring her paw down and look at you and that is your cue to try a different arrangement of heights.

This can take many days

But the takeaway message here is that she knows her limits. It took a little while in the beginning but she has a level of confidence and she adjusts that as she gets older.  Just last month she decided that she now needs a box to get up to the bed and couch. And so a box at both those places there now is.

They let you know. And we adjust.

She was an older tripod to begin with and it is entirely possible that a younger rear tripod might not need as much support or structure, but this is what works with Freya.

Happy hopping.

Michelle and Freya


4 thoughts on “Freya is 15 and on top of the world”

  1. Well hellooooo Freya and Michelle! Loooooving rhis uodate!

    And her kitty tree…OMC…PURRFECTI9N!! She is such a smart kitty to let you know when you need to make improvements to it. And I love how tuned in to her way of communicating you are! Yiu two jave such a special bond ❤

    Fifteen AND six years as three?? You keep on rockin’ beautiful Freya! You are such an inspiration on so many levels!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2. Happy/Hoppy Birthday Freya🎉🥳🎈
    Freya you are on top of the world as you DESERVE to be!

    Tell Mom I responded to her question on Purrkins blog ok!

    Thanks for the update Miss Freya you give us all HOPE on this journey! We look forward to your updates every year so Thank you!

    Staches to Miss Freya, please!
    Holly & Purrkins❤️

  3. HOPPY SWEET FIFTEEN FREYA!! I hardly ever use all caps and !!!!! but wow this occasion calls for it!!!

    Michelle you always give such great tips about living with a Trikitty, especially a senior one. You and Freya have a symbiotic relationship that works so well. It’s partly she tells you and partly you respond to what she is saying. You are a real Trikitty whisperer my friend. LOVE it!

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