Well, Freya started the night on the bed and then actually in the bed under the sheets with me (which is something she does quite often but not since the operation) and it was so normal! Then she got jack of that (pretty much because I dared move … move I tell you!! How dare I?) and she wandered off and went to the lounge again.
I did notice something yesterday, which was her tilting her head to scratch her ear and the muscles in the hip moving as to bring the leg up to scratch her ear. That was very …. interesting to see and I didn’t feel too teary or upset, which I thought I might. I did scratch her ear for her but it was plainly inferior as she shook me off. But she seemed to move past the fact her leg wasn’t there and settled down again. The resilience of our animal companions is incredible and quite inspiring really.
We are pretty much at the end of the antibiotics and her incision is looking really good – at least as far as I can see.
As for the painkillers? Well, I’ve decided to stop them as it is now 6 days post operation and she is often curled up next to me on her incision side, so again I’m making the assumption that all is well with that.
She is having some trouble still with ‘flow’ onto her foot from runny ‘deposits’ but as I’m no longer giving her pain killers and the antibiotics finish tomorrow morning I’m hoping that it resolves itself – although I do recall she was having a bit of trouble in that department prior to the operation. But all things considered it is an easy thing to deal with.
I opened the window earlier, the one that her cat chair leads to, and no sooner had I opened it and started saying “So Freya, are you interested in hoping up” she was already there, no worries. And when she got on the couch a little while back she started by scratching the arm (I gave up on ‘good’ furniture pretty much nine years ago LOL) and then came up the long way, as in up the arm and then down to the cushions to join me. She is already working out that her front claws need good traction and so she really sinks the claws in, as I found out when she tried to come up over my legs after she got on the couch.
I wonder how a declawed cat would be able to deal with a missing limb as Freya is really using hers for purchase on things.
Anyway, cup of camomile tea in hand, cat eating dry biscuits in the kitchen, and Day 6 AA draws to a close and it is another good day.